What is the Gracie Diet?

Grandmaster Carlos Gracie developed the Gracie diet. This is a special nutritional method which, just like BJJ, is still very popular several decades after its creation.

The history of the Gracie diet

The story of the Gracie diet is based on the saying: Let your food be your medicine. Carlos Gracie was guided by this saying when he developed the special nutritional method that enjoys great popularity among Brazilian Jiu Jitsu martial artists. He was one of those who were convinced of the effect of food on the human body and mind. According to him, nutrition should fulfill the following three tasks:

  • Protecting the body
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Prevent diseases

The lesser-known story of Carlos Gracie’s first wife, Carmen, serves as real proof of the success of the Gracie diet. She contracted tuberculosis, which was usually fatal. In the past, tuberculosis patients were isolated. They were also not allowed to receive visitors. As a result, Carlos decided to take his wife to a mountain town in Brazil. According to him, she was to spend the last days of her life in a sanatorium. However, it did not stay that way. He gave his wife a kiss on the lips. At the time, this gesture with a tuberculosis patient was tantamount to suicide. When the sanatorium staff asked him about it, the grandmaster of Gracie Jiu Jitsu replied that he was immune to the Koch’s bacillus. That is why people celebrated him as a hero.

Suffering from a severe migraine himself, which forced him to lie down in a dark room for several hours, the Grandmaster of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu realized that he had to change something fundamental. He therefore studied the words of the Greek philosopher Hippocrates “Let thy food be thy medicine” more intensively.

His thirst for knowledge was great, which is why the master of self-defense almost devoured books on the subject. However, as a martial artist, he was aware of how unsuccessful reading is if you don’t write down the most important content. He therefore worked on continuously expanding his knowledge of food as medicine in order to turn it into a scientific work. In this way, he developed the Gracie diet. His health problems disappeared over time and he blossomed into an athletic young man.

Proof of the effectiveness of the Gracie diet

In martial arts – and especially in Gracie Jiu Jitsu – martial artists are always working to develop themselves further. This meant that Carlos Gracie did more than just compile nutritional wisdom. Instead, he set out to prove the effectiveness of his method. That is why he taught his descendants – children, nephews and grandchildren – how important it is to provide the body with good food.

Thanks to this change, the previous biotype of his family changed. What does that mean exactly? His offspring towered over him. They grew taller than 1.70 meters and were also heavier than 90 kilograms.

The secret of the Gracie diet

What is the principle behind the successful Gracie diet? The secret is not to poison your body. In this way it does not become ill. This is especially true if the right combination of foods is used. The main aim is to keep the pH value of the meals neutral. It is also necessary to balance the food substances with the right combination.

Das Positive an der Gracie-Diät ist, dass sie den Bedürfnissen aller Menschen gerecht wird. Die Ausgewogenheit der Diät erfordert jedoch keine Vermischung von Zucker, Fett, Getreide und säurehaltigen Lebensmitteln. Außerdem ist es wichtig, die Mahlzeiten im Abstand von mindestens vier Stunden einzunehmen. Der Magen sollte leer sein, bevor man eine weitere Mahlzeit zu sich nimmt.

The underrated importance of teas and fruit

Carlos Gracie was not only interested in solid food, but also in teas. Fascinated, he searched for nutritional supplements that were able to cure diseases. He regarded the human body as a machine whose blood acts as oil. And when the blood is pure, the machine benevolently fulfills its purpose. Carlos Gracie Junior emphasizes that his father’s goal was to keep his martial artists healthy.

The Grand Master attached great importance to the consumption of fruit. Fruit made up 50 percent of the Gracie family’s diet.

Grand Master Gracie was the father of 21 children and grandfather of more than 50 grandchildren. His brother Hélio Gracie was also an advocate of the Grand Master’s thesis. He always enjoyed good health. He also pointed out that it was important to eliminate red meat from the diet before an upcoming fight.

The fight from 1955 served as proof: Hélio Gracie fought Waldemar Santana for three hours and 40 minutes without a break. He was already 42 years old at the time. Santana was only 24.

The Grand Master has already explained numerous scientific discoveries. These include the positive effect of carotene. This is a nutrient that is found in orange foods. Carotene is found in papaya and carrots in particular. The Grand Master also elaborated on the concept of free radicals and orthomolecular medicine.

His habit also consisted of drinking açaí berries, watermelon juice and coconut water. He also emphasized the importance of creating a balance between eating habits and work.

Classification of the Gracie diet by food

For example, Grandmaster Gracie categorizes the diet as follows:

  • Vegetables and green foods
  • Fish and fatty foods
  • Meat and seafood

This is group A of the Gracie diet.

In group B, the Grand Master mentions which foods should not be combined with each other. Group C refers to sweet fruits and creamy cheeses. They can be combined with each other or with a food from group B.

Acidic fruits, on the other hand, should not be combined with each other or with any other food. Group E refers to raw bananas and their possible combinations. Group F refers to milk and dairy products and their possible combinations.

The Gracie diet is still very popular, as it does not generally prohibit any foods, but is based on a successful combination of different foods.